Meal Times at DMW
At Discover My World ELC, we believe that creating healthy eating habits in early childhood paves the way for positive attitudes towards nutrition later on in life. Our meal plan has been designed in line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines and incorporates a range of essential vitamins and minerals for growing bodies.
Meal times are a key component of our daily program, providing opportunities for language development, social skills and table etiquette. We focus on nurturing independence through self-help skills and teach the children to serve themselves, scrape their plates, dispose of leftovers responsibly and practice good hygiene. We endeavour to provide a relaxed and pleasant meal time experience - you will notice our educators sitting with the children during meals, engaging in conversations about their food and role-modelling positive behaviours.​
Our Seasonal Menus
Our on-site cook prepares delicious meals for our children every day, using fresh ingredients and seasonal produce. We offer breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack - combining a range of flavours and textures to tantalise even the fussiest little eaters! Our Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer menus rotate on a 3-week cycle so that every child has the opportunity to try the meals on offer.
Meal Introduction
When it’s time to first start the introduction of solid foods, babies should start out with very small amounts of rice cereal (rich in iron) mixed with their breastmilk or formula. Our educators work closely with parents to develop a suitable meal introduction plan that caters to each child's individual needs, starting with fresh fruit and vegetable purees and working up to lumpier meals.
We introduce colour and texture through a variety of soft finger foods including cucumber sticks, apple slices and orange wedges. We ensure foods like pear and zucchini have been peeled and parboiled, ensuring that children are given an opportunity to develop their speech and jaw movement through chewing. Soft finger foods are also fantastic for soothing teething gums and giving children a sense of independence.
Allergies and Dietary Requirements
Discover My World ELC is allergy aware. We are egg and nut free and we prohibit food being brought into the service (with the exception of fresh fruit and vegetables), ensuring that all packaged foods comply with our allergy policy. Children with dietary requirements or food intolerances are offered a personalised meal plan including lactose-free, gluten-free and vegetarian options.
Water is available for all children throughout the day and offered at every meal time. Full-cream milk is offered to children from 18 months - 6 years at morning and afternoon tea times as a good source of calcium. Discover My World ELC does not serve or allow juice, cordial, soft drinks or flavoured milks within the service.